Within a company like Cisco it’s not surprising to discover a healthy culture of innovation in technology development and application. However, as a leading global enterprise, the business also relies on innovation across all aspects of its operations to sustain and grow success.
The Innovation Hub is Cisco’s internal portal for home-grown innovation. With a large active community of employees and partners, it provides a comprehensive, one-stop resource for the encouragement and support of innovation within Cisco.
The portal has been an incubator for a number of innovations which have attracted significant investment and delivered measurable market success. For those people who want to become part of the Innovation Hub community, Cisco has provided a table of elements which helps to guide the scope of innovation.
The scope of innovation ranges from a new business or service idea to streamlining an internal process, or a new technology. With this in mind, Cisco wanted to increase awareness that ideas and involvement can come from anyone and anywhere within the business. While the Innovation Hub community had grown to more than 30,000 people, increased involvement from sales, marketing, financial, administrative and operational staff could see that number more than double to drive greater innovation across all aspects of the business.