
Thanks to technology advances, conferencing has broken out of the board room to become a business tool for everyone.

With today’s conferencing capabilities it’s difficult to imagine a scenario where content sharing and collaboration have to be compromised in comparison to a face-to-face meeting. If anything, the compromise is likely to be down to the ability and confidence of the organiser – especially when they are faced with an event that’s bigger, more complex or simply more business critical than usual.

With the help of Intellor conferencing services, organisations can focus on what they need to achieve rather than the technology, logistics, attendee invitations or polling. For gatherings such as Town Hall meetings, investor presentations, product launches and executive education events it can make better business and commercial sense to entrust success to the specialist skills and expertise of Intellor rather than rely on in-house resources.

Intellor were already an established and respected player in conferencing services when they approached The Rubicon Agency with a brief to sharpen their market proposition, drive additional demand for their services and produce sales enablement assets. This gave us the scope to look at messaging and service branding with application to Intellor’s website, presentation and marketing collateral.

For the demand generation campaign, our creative approach was predicated on the knowledge that most organizations would experience a crisis of confidence when faced with a critical conferencing event – with Intellor providing the perfect solution to achieve what we called ‘conferencing without compromises’.



What we delivered?

Our solution included:

  • New website content creation and design
  • Sales enablement asset creation
  • Presentation deck creation
  • Programmatic lead generation campaign

What did the campaign achieve?

This was a highly targeted campaign aimed at specific geographies and profiles of organisation. The campaign was carefully synchronised to drive leads in-line with sales team recruitment and onboarding, with a clear ramp-up plan as sales resource became available. The campaign provided a steady flow of quality, in-bound opportunity sufficient for the client to make additional investments in sales resource, in addition to planning further phases and geographies.

Marketing expertise

Sales enablement

Digital lead generation

Sharpening up market propositions to drive additional demand for Intellor’s services.