


There is no escaping it. Digital threats loom large and this won’t be changing anytime soon. Thankfully, OpenText Enterprise is proactively working to strengthen organisations’ ability to safeguard themselves, and their stakeholders, from malicious attacks. To bolster this mission, OpenText has brought three new businesses into the fold, each one bringing its own flavour of cybersecurity expertise and cutting-edge solutions to enrich their portfolio. 

The Rubicon Agency was tasked with elevating the newly acquired triad of brands—Fortify, NetIQ, and Voltage —under the expansive umbrella of the OpenText Cybersecurity enterprise portfolio. Our mission was clear: to create a unifying campaign that resonated with the brands target audiences but also cemented OpenText’s reputation as the vanguard of digital protection.

What we delivered

After extensive market research, client workshops, content audit and audience profiling, we crafted a multi-channel campaign strategy that would appeal to the minds of IT professionals. 

Our content audit surfaced a healthy selection of valuable industry commentator insights, gold dust for cybersecurity professionals, and perfectly positioned OpenText as a market leader in the space. These insights were used as gated content to capture data and nurture potential clients. We then developed a creative strategy that could be applied across all 3 brands, giving each its own stage under the OpenText mark. Think of it as a cybersecurity festival with three headlining acts, each famous for its own genre.  

The campaign strategy leveraged multiple channels for maximum reach and engagement. This included; 

  • LinkedIn paid advertising: Taking advantage of LinkedIn’s powerful targeting to create engaging ads that showcased the unique strengths of Fortify, NetIQ, and Voltage. 
  • Corporate channel and social advocacy posts: Leveraging OpenText’s social profiles and workforce relationships to craft posts that sparked organic interest and engagement among their followers. 
  • Paid display advertising: Designing eye-catching display ads, strategically placed on high-traffic websites popular with cybersecurity professionals. 

What did the campaign achieve?

A successful end-to-end campaign strategy that isn’t just promoting, but elevating the brands, increasing their visibility and helping to solidify OpenText Enterprise at the forefront of the cybersecurity. 

The campaign is currently in-market, creating noise and engagement within the cybersecurity communities. Our targeted LinkedIn and display ads have already started gaining impressive traction, with engagement and conversions flowing through. Plus, our social advocacy posts are sparking some interesting conversations among OpenText’s followers and relationships. We’re excited to play a part in optimising the campaigns as they start to drive real value for OpenText.

Marketing expertise

Campaign strategy

Enterprise demand generation

Strategic content

Product marketing

We created a unifying campaign that resonated with the brands target audiences but also cemented OpenText’s reputation as the vanguard of digital protection.