
In an era of social, digital, face-to-face and online communication – much is changing. There is an increasing amount of channels for customer communication and a desire for more meaningful interaction by brands who are turning to visions like Intelligent CX to manage this complex experience.

But across many of these channels there’s still a role for ‘good old’ voice. Whether it’s for an escalation, or a crucial complementary element for a complex conversation, the primacy of voice can’t be beaten for trust, reassurance and authenticity. Whether for in-app or video call – voice lives on.

The challenge for AT&T was how to lead the conversation with voice, in an era of AI, chatbots and growing focus on social.


AT&T & Five9

What we delivered

The Rubicon Agency was approached to develop the message construct and go-to-market assets to support this joint initiative. A crisp, progressive and relevant conversation was required to combine both AT&T and Five9 thought leadership positions.

With a growing recognition for threading cross-enterprise capabilities into CX delivery – much of which is within AT&T influence – The Rubicon Agency developed a messaging platform for Collaborative CX.

This platform would be owned by AT&T and used to centre marketing around – including a core white paper for a demand outreach – and an infographic for customer engagement.

What did the campaign achieve?

The campaign is an important evolution for AT&T, with an array of integrations with other cloud applications on the horizon. Asserting the symbiotic relationship between AT&T voice + network services and 3rd party platforms like Five9 cloud contact centre is critical for future success.

The assets form part of a broader outreach go-to-market through syndicated content and publisher marketing.

Marketing expertise

Thought leadership

Strategic content

Enterprise demand generation

Sales enablement

We created a crisp, progressive and relevant conversation to combine both AT&T and Five9 thought leadership positions.