
The Prevedere proposition to include external indicators such as wages, inflation, market trends and climate with internal data for enterprise forecasts and plans makes common sense – even for those not employed as planners or strategists.

The common business challenge is that incumbent planning software vendors provide little or no visibility to the external market forces that should be considered. Additionally, they do not a have full-platform solution that uses AI to correlate, interpret, model and monitor the impact of all those internal and external signals.

Prevedere have an intelligent, end-to-end solution that creates, monitors and flexes business plans and forecasts in-line with market modulations – quite unlike its household name competitors. The challenge was how to formalise and leverage this differentiation.



What we delivered

As an extension to the brand strategy and identity elevation undertaken already, The Rubicon Agency developed the thought leadership platform and category vision for ‘Advanced Predictive Planning’ (APP), a model and practice that is uniquely delivered by Prevedere.

By defining, formalising and establishing the notion of APP, Prevedere is able to successfully position it’s play and proposition against other enterprise planning models such a xP&A (Extended Planning & Analysis) and FP&A (Financial Planning & Analysis).

This was extended into the concept of ‘Predictive Enterprise’, a state of autonomous forecasting and planning change instigated by holistic market factors.

APP briefings, infographics, market use cases and explainer videos were produced to introduce prospects, media, commentators and partners to the approach, with clear positioning against competitive and collaborative systems.

What did the campaign achieve?

APP has been received positively by commentators, prospects and partners, with a clear value proposition that is extremely relevant to today’s turbulent market environment. Whilst claiming and owning a market space, the approach has also established strong technical and philosophical bridges to adjacent and complementary technologies.

< Watch the video

Marketing expertise

Strategic content

Proposition development

Thought leadership

Prevedere is now able to successfully position it’s play and proposition against other enterprise planning models.