
AT&T provide Unified Communications solutions to organisations that depend on efficient and effective communication and collaboration to sustain operational and financial success.

Unified Communications (UC) is not a new solution but whilst the technology is relatively mature and seeing increasing adoption, there is scope within the market to promote the collaborative possibilities to lines of business in order to drive greater uptake and help organisations achieve a ‘multiplier’ effect.

The key to successful solutions is widespread adoption at which point greater advantages can be achieved. With our campaign proposition: ‘We’re great when we collaborate’ we aimed to convey those advantages to the target audience in a way which resonated with their own behaviour and needs.

By humanising the campaign, we were able to draw interest from a wide target audience and drive engagement through social media and an interactive quiz. And by articulating the use of collaborative technology in recognisable, ‘real-world’ cameos we were able to empathise with the audience and encourage them to discover more about the ‘multiplier’ effect of greater adoption and usage of UC tools and technologies from AT&T.



What we delivered?

The campaign was established and promoted through a targeted series of eMails which also invited people to explore the various collaboration ‘types’ and participate in an interactive online quiz.

Infographics were created to illustrate six different but universally recognisable collaboration types showing their individual characteristics and behaviours alongside their personal collaboration networks and preferences for personal and professional communication and collaboration tools.

To stimulate additional awareness and participation we created a series of blogs which expanded on the campaign and a short video to convey the ‘We’re great when we collaborate’ message. Sales support took the form of customisable emails for outreach to AT&T customers.

What did the campaign achieve?

The campaign established a new approach to awareness and demand generation with extensive use of social content and publication providing stimulation and engagement around a topic which any organisation can relate to.

Marketing expertise

Market development

Proposition development

Sales enablement

Strategic content

Product marketing

Reinforcing the power of collaboration for successful organisations.