
Education has become the second leading target for cyber security attacks. But while establishments may face similar cyber threats to other organisations, they face different challenges for their coping strategies.

Effective cyber security places additional pressure on budgets and the in-house IT resources of education establishments. With AT&T security services, establishments can take advantage of affordable and flexible security solutions that strike the right balance between internal and external resources while enabling a more robust ‘defence in depth’ strategy.

With a ‘Security as a Service’ campaign, AT&T wanted to show education leaders the inextricable link between meeting and securing the education agenda while reducing the burden on in-house resources and capital expenditure.



What We delivered?

The key asset in our campaign was a short, animated video aimed at business and technical leaders in K-12 schools and districts. This was supported by an infographic: ‘Six education agendas challenged by cyber security’; an AT&T white paper, and a suite of demand generation eMails.

The video highlighted the challenges of DIY security in education and explained the comparative merits and advantages of an AT&T managed security service. Additionally, it encouraged viewers to discover further, detailed information from supporting campaign assets – to assist and accelerate decision making.

What did the campaign achieve?

The campaign helped AT&T to drive conversations with education leaders challenged by budgets and IT resources but also under pressure to provide robust security. With assets that presented a balanced argument for Security as a Service, AT&T sales teams were able to demonstrate the advantages of the AT&T security services portfolio combined with world-class security expertise, and sector experience.

Watch the video >
Watch the video >

Marketing expertise

Sales enablement

Enterprise demand generation

Account based marketing

Market development

Strategic content

Highlighting security strategies for schools and colleges.