
Without doubt, all industries can gain measurable advantages from a diverse workforce. However, if you take a look at recent news reports and research around the Tech sector, it’s clear more can be done to increase diversity and inclusion.

As a leading advocate for diversity in the tech sector, Cisco, the founder of The Multiplier Effect recognises the need for the creation and adoption of programmes that can increase momentum for inclusion.

With The Multiplier Effect programme, Cisco is encouraging tech industry leaders and executives to commit to sponsoring diverse candidates within their organisations. The aim is to create tangible opportunities for professional development and grow a pipeline of diverse talent that benefits the individual, the organisation and the tech industry as a whole.

Sponsors also share their commitment and encourage peers to sign up to the programme. Additionally, sponsored candidates can find themselves in a position to sponsor their own diverse candidates and create professional growth opportunities – hence, ‘The Multiplier Effect’.

Unlike traditional mentoring, sponsorship can be a catalyst for accelerated change that turns the principal of diversity and inclusion into practical actions with measurable results.

To win hearts and minds amongst prospective sponsors and create long-term equity, Cisco needed to support the programme with a number of assets to explain, educate, enthuse and engage.


Tech Consortium

What we delivered?

The programme began with a soft launch at Cisco Live, endorsed by Cisco CEO Chuck Robbins. We supported this with the creation of presentation and online recruitment content which also included an independent identity and logo designed by The Rubicon Agency. This was followed by the creation of an Intranet site, infographic and two videos.

The Rubicon Agency has also designed a social content plan for The Multiplier Effect which we support with the creation of ongoing new content, alongside the development of further recruitment campaigns aimed at segments within the tech industry.

What did the campaign achieve?

The campaign helped Cisco to drive conversations with industry customers, partners and peers to increase sponsorship and opportunities for diverse tech professionals. A number of success stories are already in production and the programme is earmarked for increased roll-out during 2017 onwards.

Watch the video >

Marketing expertise

Thought leadership

Proposition development

Strategic content

Corporate comms

Creating real momentum for diversity and inclusion.