
Email fraud is now the leading cyber threat that’s costing companies billions in losses. With a number of security solutions available to SMB and enterprise, Proofpoint wanted the market to know what makes their solution better.

A strong point of differentiation is a powerful marketing asset, especially in the technology sector. However, it’s one thing to know your solution is superior – and another to articulate and effectively promote the reasons why.

When Proofpoint asked us to help market their Email Fraud defence solution in Spain and Italy our first response was to create a competitor matrix. Using key criteria to assess the relevant merits of alternative email security solutions and providers we were able to clearly identify Proofpoint’s strengths and market advantage.

Proofpoint is the only cybersecurity provider with a unique vantage point from which to see and understand threats in email, social networks, and mobile devices. This greater ‘visibility’ and the holistic nature of their email threat solution became the main thrust of our campaign proposition across all assets.



What we delivered?

Like most executives, the influencers and decision makers for cyber security solutions can be hard-pressed to find time for face-to-face meetings with security providers. However, Proofpoint has the advantage of a clearly differentiated solution combined with an exceptionally high conversion rate from customer meetings and solution presentations.

With the additional reinforcement of a premium gift offer, we created a lead generation campaign to encourage prospective customers to request a brief meeting/presentation with Proofpoint advisors.

The campaign centred around a high quality, personalised direct mail piece. This was supported by pre- and post-mailing emails and a customised presentation deck which reinforced our key messages and product differentiation.

All campaign assets were translated and localised for marketing in Italy, Spain, Germany and Benelux.

What did the campaign achieve?

The campaign proved to have real cut-through with recipients, generating a 5% conversion rate in terms of meetings generated. The results provided proof that the campaign proposition and delivery mechanism resonated with the target audience providing the client confidence to scale the campaign into other EMEA territories and create localised channel collateral for Italy and Spain.

Marketing expertise

Digital lead generation

Market development

Proposition development

Partner marketing

Account based marketing

Thought leadership

Helping a security leader to generate demand in italy and spain.