
Physical technology and infrastructure are ripe for disruption and transformation – especially with open architectures and innovation. lowRISC is an open-silicon engineering development company maintaining open-source silicon designs and tools. lowRISC stewards the OpenTitan programme, developing the pioneering Root of Trust (RoT) chip, in collaboration with Google, Western Digital and Seagate. With a not-for-profit/acquisition constitution, and founders from Raspberry Pi Foundation, lowRISC had caused ripples in technology market.

lowRISC, Google and other consortium members recognised that a number of marketing tasks needed to be addressed, if they were to achieve their combined goals. 1) the lowRISC brand, proposition and marketing needed to be strengthened and made more independent. 2) the OpenTitan programme needed structured communications to raise awareness and assert differentiation 3) combine these two motions to create a unique story for public sector, government investment and academia stakeholders.


lowRISC, Google and OpenTitan

What we delivered

The Rubicon Agency developed an 18 month programme plan of messaging, proposition development, brand architecture, strategic presentation and communications outreach activities for both lowRISC and OpenTitan. This included the articulation of a high-touch thought leadership theme on Logical Infrastructure, a vanguard message for public sector dialogue and recruitment of additional partners.

What did the campaign achieve?

The OpenTitan programme has increased in strength and value, with additional consortium applications and greater recognition and contribution within Google. In addition, lowRISC is forging new open-silicon opportunities that have the potential to transform Net Zero, next generation mobility and sustainability agendas.

Marketing expertise

Brand strategy

Strategic content

Partner marketing

Thought leadership

Removing the barriers for innovation, societal benefit and economic growth