
Globally, women are under-represented in engineering professions. However, thanks to greater social and corporate awareness, change is happening.

We’ve seen a rise in movements, partnerships, programmes and other initiatives that aim to ‘change the ratio’. These can broadly be divided into initiatives from within the industry and initiatives which are driven by external groups. Some are more ‘politicised’ and strive to change mindsets and behaviours. Others are more pragmatic and structured to make change happen.

In Africa, a contingent of women working for Cisco established what they called the Ladies Tech Engineering Club (LTEC). With a mission to inspire and enable more women to establish and grow careers in tech engineering LTEC offers a number of advantages including:
– a systemised approach to helping women achieve qualifications
– access to resources, partnerships and opportunities only afforded by a global tech player/leader
– Cisco roots, endorsement and professional prestige

With recognition from their HQ in California and support from US personnel, Cisco asked The Rubicon Agency to help drive greater awareness and recruitment for LTEC in Africa. This included a fresh articulation of the LTEC community and its resources and the creation of assets to drive increased membership amongst aspiring engineers and supporters.


Women’s Tech Connection

What we delivered?

Our solution included:

  • Rebranding/messaging with a new identity
  • An introductory presentation
  • A website
  • A launch toolkit

What did the campaign achieve?

The new brand, messaging and tools made for successful launch of the community, with a managed roll-out of events and releases to various internal and external constituencies. The initiative is receiving significant support by the tech industry and authorities in South Africa.

Marketing expertise

Corporate comms

Event & experiential marketing

Market development

Helping change the ratio for women in tech engineering.