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In the realm of Technology marketing, influencing internal stakeholders can be a completely different beast to marketing to external channels.

Although a captive audience, the internal workforce requires a more emotive approach to changing perceptions, inspiring a following or rallying around a cause. Although a little crude, the tried and trusted method of stick and carrot does have its place in short term adoption strategy, but does it embed the longer term emotional commitment required for truly revolutionary initiatives?

Take for example, a transformation change in company direction, one where the organisation is re-inventing itself to the market, and as a by-product, requires a seismic cultural and behavioural recalibration of its staff. In this instance, incentives would achieve initial buy-in, but would it carry the emotional weight to embed a permanent change? Aided by natural churn and a revamped hiring policy the organisation could achieve the required internal posture over a period of time, but to mobilise rapid adoption of new models and mindsets requires a different approach altogether.

Below are 5 of the threads you should consider within a successful employee engagement programme. Of course, you can develop and adopt hybrid combinations that combine a selection of options below:

Hearts and minds

Incentives or compulsory on-boarding may drive raw numbers, but does it tap into the emotional and intellectual appeals of the workforce? Winning hearts and minds around a clear objective/aspiration aligns the organisations goals with individuals which should instil long-term support, commitment and advocacy.

Collaborative & empowered

Such programmes are often the brain child of senior business leaders, but to truly maximise buy-in and to improve success, employees desire to be empowered to provide feedback that will shape and evolve the programme for the good of the company…and the workforce.

The power of one

In large enterprise organisations individual contribution can seem as pointless when looking at the bigger picture. Harnessing individual efforts, rewarding small wins and embedding a degree of ownership all contributes to the sum of the parts being greater than the whole.

Being informed

Communication is key, being kept up to date with the latest information to make informed choices Is critical to the onboarding process. Ill-informed employees will feel alienated and not part of the initiative.


All the above are ingredients for success but most importantly are the benefits to the individuals. What’s in it for me? What’s the hook, what’s the driving factor to me engaging with the initiative? If the benefits are thinly veiled or non-existent, then success is likely to be compromised.

To help shape your next workforce engagement programme talk to The Rubicon Agency to ensure your programme resonates with all levels of the business.

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