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In a world where content rules the marketing roost, quality trumps quantity.

However, there are too many examples of brands being guilty of marketing for marketing’s sake when a primary asset has been created.

Certain assets are packed with gems of information, facts and statistics that naturally lend themselves to be reworked and repackaged. There is however, a fine line between extracting, scaling & ‘chunking’ content and repetition.

Research reports are prime examples of assets that deliver the ‘mother-load’ of thought leadership hooks. Utilised correctly, the raw information can be disseminated and reassembled into a multitude of content. The context, pitch and salient points can be manipulated to stretch up (or down) the corporate pyramid to provide fresh insights and perspectives to the full influencer group. This is a true reflection of content manifestation; However, many marketers are guilty of not harnessing the value of such pieces. A sprinkling of window dressing and the same message (and sometimes the same lack of answers/insight) are rolled out across as many paid, owned and earned channels as physically possible. The result can create ‘white noise’ that undermines the opportunity to create audience engagement.

How to maximise the reach of your message?

We’ve all heard that the most important factor in content success is relevancy. Well, this still rings true when reconstituting the core points of your content asset. If we take our hypothetical research report as a starting point, the focus of the findings may be aimed at senior IT decision makers and include key challenges likely to be faced by CIOs. Sure, this could be adapted into a webinar format targeting the same type of prospect but it won’t resonate with the IT & Network Manager tier. Being able to manifest these insights into tangible careabouts for these guys really is the key to scale, reach and ultimately success.

So, what about social?

The same rules apply. Parachuting in the full version of your original content isn’t going to work for everyone. Adopting the proper tone of voice, message and insight is as important in social situations as reconstituting content into different formats for ‘classic’ marketing. Remember, all social channels and communities are different, so don’t adopt a one- size -fits- all policy. Saying the same thing to everyone in the same tone of voice is unlikely to get the message across or make you popular in social circles.

To find out if your content has the right noise to signal ratio, register for our unique M4 content audit.

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