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The Tech Marketer Blog

Insights, ideas and opinion from The Rubicon Agency

Meme of the week #31 – Pipe(line) dreams Ready to buy leads blogMiscellaneousOur industry

Meme of the week #31 – Pipe(line) dreams

Expectations have been heightened in recent years with developments in intent-signalling, progressive profiling, nurturing and precision targeting. But achieving it comes at a cost – profiling, platform investment, brand building, pre-marketing, achieving buyer preference at a distance... to highlight a few considerations. If you want ready-to-buy, you can’t cut corners.…
The Rubicon Agency
August 1, 2022
Meme of the week #25 – Ooops – forgot the spend cap! PPL spend blogMiscellaneousOur industry

Meme of the week #25 – Ooops – forgot the spend cap!

The cold, lingering feeling of realising you’ve not applied it properly can ashen the face of the most seasoned digital marketer.  Check out the meme, 'Ooops, forgot the spend cap!’. Is this a sudden realisation you’ve felt?The challenges represented by ‘Ooops, forgot the spend cap!’ relate to: Digital marketers running…
The Rubicon Agency
June 20, 2022
Meme of the week #24 – Do you have reception for perception? What customers think blogMiscellaneousOur industry

Meme of the week #24 – Do you have reception for perception?

This fundamental consideration (albeit sometimes reduced to a gut feel or snapshot) is missing from too many programmes, where the signals should be decoded and actioned.  The savvy teams (and agencies) tackle these perceptions head-on, threading and devoting efforts towards success. But it starts with asking the questions, and understanding…
The Rubicon Agency
June 15, 2022